Submitted by traductor on Mon, 01/25/2016 - 13:43


Regine Schumann. Who´s afraid of glow?

We are delighted to host Regine Schumann’s second exhibition in Spain. Regine is a German artist of international renown. Her colourful works so full of light and colour already once filled our gallery walls in 2011. Now in 2016 Regine Schumann will exhibit a new group of drawings and sculptures in a collection entitled Who is Afraid of the Glow?

lollipop V, 2013. Varillas, tubos fluorescentes. dimensiones variables
Regine Schumann
lollipop V, 2013. Rods, fluorescent tubes. Variable dimensions
colormirror rainbow texture berlin,1. 2015.Polimetilmetacrilato (vidrio acrílico) fluorescente. 80 x 8,3 x 7 cm
Regine Schumann
colormirror rainbow texture berlin 1, 2015. Fluorescent acrylic glass. 80 x 8,3 x 7 cm
network, 1998. Cordones fluorescentes y luminiscentes. 84x 280 cm. Formato variable
Regine Schumann
network, 1998. Fluorescent and luminescent laces. 84x 280 cm.