- Antón Lamazares
- Bonifacio
- Rosalía Banet
- Ken Matsubara
- Joan Hernández Pijuán
- Angela Burson
- Ofelia García
- Lina Espinosa
- Simon Callery
- Sabine Finkenauer
- Giorgio Griffa
- Alicia Martín
- Miguel Ángel Barba
- Filippos Tsitsopoulos
- Julián Gil
- Felicidad Moreno
- Susana Solano
- Regine Schumann
- Marta Barrenechea
- Claude Viallat
- Beatriz Olano
- Alicia Martín
- Angela Burson
- Antón Lamazares
- Beatriz Olano
- Bonifacio
- Claude Viallat
- Felicidad Moreno
- Filippos Tsitsopoulos
- Giorgio Griffa
- Joan Hernández Pijuán
- Julián Gil
- Ken Matsubara
- Lina Espinosa
- Marta Barrenechea
- Miguel Ángel Barba
- Ofelia García
- Regine Schumann
- Rosalía Banet
- Sabine Finkenauer
- Simon Callery
- Susana Solano
Rafael Pérez Hernando opened its doors for the first time in the autumn of 2004 in Calle Orellana in Madrid, although its activity dates back to 1996, when a series of exhibitions were held in an initial space located in Calle Claudio Coello. These exhibitions were dedicated to Spanish painters of renowned trajectory, pointing out a specific period in their production, and paying special attention to paper as a medium. Three were the most outstanding exhibitions, each of them including a carefully produced catalogue: "Antón Lamazares (1981-83)" which took place in 1997, "Bonifacio: Works on paper (1970-90)" in 1998 and "Manuel Hernández Mompó, circa 1966" in 1999-2000.
The activity in the new space in Orellana starts with the exhibition "Joan Hernández Pijuan. Works on paper: 1987-2002" which opened in November 2004. More than 15 years have passed since then. Just as people evolve, the gallery, the artists and their works are also changing. Eclecticism and a rigorous personal selection articulate the meaning of the exhibitions. The interest in young creators coexists with the highlighting of the careers of painters with greater international recognition, such as Joan Hernández Pijuan, Giorgio Griffa, Susana Solano or Claude Viallat. Rigour and coherence are pursued in the projects, where colour, imperfection, light, emptiness and balance coexist.