Ofelia García participates in the new edition of the #FestivalOff of PHotoESPAÑA


The official opening of PHotoESPAÑA 2023 will take place on Wednesday 31 May at 12.15 pm at the Royal Botanical Garden. This 26th edition will address themes such as art, the environment and gender.

The Villanueva pavilion of the Royal Botanical Garden will host the exhibitions De arboris perennis, by the José Manuel Ballester National Photography Award, and the ENAIRE Foundation Photography Award 2023.

For this edition of PHotoESPAÑA we present The border of shadows, by Ofelia García (Madrid, 1951). An exhibition that brings together the most recent works of this artist from Madrid, combining photographs and drawings. During her time in confinement, the Madrid artist obsessively took more than two thousand photographs, searching for light, shadows and reflections in different rooms of her house. A selection of these images is complemented in this exhibition with a set of schematic drawings made freehand on different supports in which García carries out an exercise in the synthesis of volumes and spaces.

More info in the following link